Notre itinéraire en Serbie-Montenegro

Publié le par CapAsia

Nous n'y sommes pas encore, un peu de patience...

Notre passage en Serbie-Montenegro est prévu entre le 12 et le 15 octobre 2005.

Itinéraire dans le pays : cf. article croatie

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Publié dans Serbie-Montenegro

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Haj!Me again.I called Genci and heared that you passed Albanian border(by foot)-:)...well done!...I hope that you will find a place with clean bad for tonight at long boys...good "ll need it!PS.I expect Salut! from China!;)Bye!
Bravo les garcons!Vous allez bien.Une grande route is infront of you,but I am sure that at the end everything will be greath and big expiriance for you two.Bye from Podgorica and Bar and have a nice TRIP!;)Genci from Ulcinj is another contact person for continuing the trip.